Thursday, July 1, 2010

ThE SeXy itCh

What is the one thing that teenagers , people in their prime and senior citizens all worship alike? No I'm not talking about cricket. Its obviously SEX.wherever you might go, from the densest metropolitan jungles to the remotest ill equipped villages , through the centuries , we have witnessed the growth of a uni-directional obsession with sex.

Be it movies , music , photography , crime , advertising , gossip columns or ancient literature and art, a large percentage of everything seems to be pre-dominated by the raw animalistic practice of intermingling genitalia (perhaps in more sophisticated forms).

Don't you wonder why? Isn't sex just another biological process like respiration or digestion.Then whats all the fuss about?
According to Dr. Michael Roizen , the real sex organ is actually "the insula" a part of the left brain which is responsible for hormonal stimulation due to visual or physical aides which leads to sexual cravings.

However i feel it is simply deprivation at a very advanced level.Imagine you have an irritating itch behind your left ear and all you want to do is to reach for it with your hands and scratch it out of your system. But the only problem is that you cant, as itching is considered to be a taboo in this imaginative society of ours. There are certain places , 'itch-brothels' if you may where your needs of scratching will be satisfied for a fee but it is illegal and immoral to do so. Apart from this there are extracts about itching in books and depictions of people scratching each other crazy in art and literature all around.What's more , if you turn on your charm and start dating someone , then maybe at the end of a charade of dates , you might get lucky and get a temporary riddance of your itch.

Imagine being sentenced to ten years in jail if you are unable to control this craving of yours and scratch your ear behind someone else's without their consent, hence committing an 'itch-rape', if you may.

Wouldn't that cultivate a whole culture of itch-centric societal beings?As absurd as it may sound, It definitely would. many more such societies can be thought of based on thirst , hunger or any other physical deprivation.
coming out of this imaginative society we need to understand that we humans at the core-level basically crave for whatever's unavailable be it sex or scratching. this societal deprivation coupled with the crazy inflow of hormones keeps our minds directed towards sex for most part of the day.
Perhaps the realization that sexual intercourse is just another thing that we do might help us concentrate our forces towards more productive activities....


  1. Loud and Clear.. you got it dude..

  2. Just one thing... You'll need to declare your blog an adult site just in case the censor board finds out about a 17 yr old who's finally trying to pump some real sense into their children lol! ;-)
